
Enko Education


African students are increasingly eager to study in the best universities in the world : Harvard, MIT, Oxford, Sciences Po, the University of Cape Town.

However, enrolling in those universities is an arduous challenge. Admission processes are hard to decode. National diplomas from Sub-Saharan African countries are not always understood or recognized by such universities, and learners do not always receive the adequate preparation for enrolling in such universities.

We designed Enko Education Schools to offer students an outstanding preparation to access top universities around three pillars: high-quality international programmes leading to the prestigious International Baccalaureate Programme; an outstanding learning experience; and a University Admissions and Career Counselling Programme to assist our learners in their university application process.

All our schools, whether in Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon or Mozambique share a common goal : to provide our students with a launchpad to the world’s best universities.