African Trade Insurance Agency


ATI is a pan-African institution that provides political risk insurance to companies, investors, and lenders interested in doing business in Africa. With deep roots in Africa, we are best positioned to understand and assess the risks here – and to help mitigate them. As a result, we offer robust risk solutions to our clients. Our financial partners have come to rely on our assessments because of our credibility, financial strength, and underwriting capacity.

Our Story
In 2000, a group of East African countries, under the leadership of COMESA, commissioned a World Bank-funded study to look into why the region wasn’t attracting more Foreign Direct Investments. The results showed political risks to be the main concern of investors.

ATI launched one year later to provide risk solutions for investors. We added credit insurance to our product menu in 2006 when member countries identified trade as another important pillar of growth. With additional funding and technical support from the World Bank and later, the African Development Bank, ATI has grown into a market leader for risk mitigation in Africa.