Zimbabwe : qu’est devenue l’ancienne vice-présidente Joice Mujuru ?

Depuis la présidentielle de juillet 2018, où elle avait obtenu 0,3 % des suffrages, l’ancienne vice-présidente du Zimbabwe se fait discrète.

Joice Mujuru, a celebrated freedom fighter  who served as a vice president under President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, and was destined, it seemed, to succeed him, during an interview at her home in Harare, Zimbabwe, April 27, 2016. As the current battle to succeed the 92-year-old Mugabe intensifies, Mujuru sees a political opening, vowing to take power as president in the 2018 election under the banner of her own party, Zimbabwe People First.   PROPERTY ZIMBABWE GOVERNMENT WAR INVASION FARM BATTLE HISTORY LAND© JOAO SILVA/The New York Times-REDUX-REA © JOAO SILVA/NYT-REDUX-REA

Joice Mujuru, a celebrated freedom fighter who served as a vice president under President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, and was destined, it seemed, to succeed him, during an interview at her home in Harare, Zimbabwe, April 27, 2016. As the current battle to succeed the 92-year-old Mugabe intensifies, Mujuru sees a political opening, vowing to take power as president in the 2018 election under the banner of her own party, Zimbabwe People First. PROPERTY ZIMBABWE GOVERNMENT WAR INVASION FARM BATTLE HISTORY LAND© JOAO SILVA/The New York Times-REDUX-REA © JOAO SILVA/NYT-REDUX-REA


Publié le 26 septembre 2019 Lecture : 1 minute.

Le 6 septembre dernier, jour de la mort de Robert Mugabe, elle a adressé un sobre hommage au défunt, sur Twitter : « Mes condoléances à toute [sa] famille. Mes pensées et mes prières l’accompagnent alors qu’elle pleure l’un des pères fondateurs du Zimbabwe indépendant. »

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